/copycategory [category] <name> <amount> <change_role_permissions> <role>
/copycategory [category] <name> <amount> <change_role_permissions> <role>
Clones a category. This is working like the feature from Discord.
Argument [category]
This category is going to be cloned.
Argument <name>
The name of the new category.
Argument <amount>
The category will be cloned this amount of times.
Argument <change_role_permissions>
Changes the roles permissions with another role. The role <role> gets the permissions from this role.
Argument <role>
This role will get the permissions.
/moderation ban [user] <notify_about_punishment> <reason> <delete_messages>
/moderation ban [user] <notify_about_punishment> <reason> <delete_messages>
Permanently bans a user from the server.
Argument [user]
This user is permanently banned.
Argument <notify_about_punishment>
Decide whether the user should be informed of the ban by private message. There is no mention of who banned the user.
Argument <reason>
Add a reason that is displayed in the audit log.
Argument <delete_messages>
Delete all messages between a certain time period. This must be between 1 second and 7 days. Specify this with s, m, h and d.
/moderation banreason [ban] [new_reason]
/moderation banreason [ban] [new_reason]
Change the reason for a ban.
Argument [ban]
Specify the ban here. This option supports autocomplete, so search for the ban by username or enter an ID here.
Argument [new_reason]
Enter the new reason here.
/moderation clear [number] <user> <channel>
/moderation clear [number] <user> <channel>
Delete a certain number of messages.
Argument [number]
Enter the number of messages to be deleted here.
The number must be between 1 and 100.
Argument <user>
The messages are only deleted by this user.
Argument <channel>
The messages are deleted in this channel.
/moderation kick [user] <reason> <notify_about_punishment>
/moderation kick [user] <reason> <notify_about_punishment>
Kick a user from the server.
Argument [user]
This user will be kicked.
Argument <reason>
Add a reason that is displayed in the audit log.
Argument <notify_about_punishment>
Decide whether the user should be informed of the kick by private message. There is no mention of who kicked the user.
/moderation lock <reason> <channel> <time>
/moderation lock <reason> <channel> <time>
Remove the permissions for the role
to send messages in the channel .Argument <reason>
Add a reason that is displayed in the audit log.
Argument <channel>
This channel will be locked.
Argument <time>
Specify how long the channel should be blocked. Enter the time with s, m, h and d.
/moderation mute [user] [time] <reason>
/moderation mute [user] [time] <reason>
Timeout a user with the Discord function
Argument [user]
This user will be timed out.
Argument [time]
Specify how long the user should be timed. Specify the time with s, m, h and d.
Argument <reason>
Add a reason that is displayed in the audit log.
/moderation nickname reset [user]
/moderation nickname reset [user]
Reset the nickname of a user.
Argument [user]
The nickname of this user is reset.
/moderation nickname set [user] [nick]
/moderation nickname set [user] [nick]
Change the nickname of a user.
Argument [user]
The nickname is changed for this user.
Argument [nick]
This is the user's new nickname.
/moderation unban [user] <reason>
/moderation unban [user] <reason>
Unban a user with their ID.
Argument [user]
Specify the user to be unbanned
Argument <reason>
Add a reason that is displayed in the audit log.
/moderation unlock <channel>
/moderation unlock <channel>
Give the role
the authorization to send messages to a channel.Argument <channel>
Specify the Discord channel here.
/moderation unmute [user]
/moderation unmute [user]
Remove the timeout of a user.
Argument [user]
The timeout is removed from this user.
Last updated