Automod is a new feature added on October 26, 2024.
Nickname Automod
This Automod uses the built-in Discord Automod for Usernames. Read more about the Discord Automod here:
Required permission for
/automod nicknames
: Manage Guild or Administrator
/automod nicknames add_allowed_role
Adds a role to the Allowlist. Users with this role are not monitored.
Argument [role]
This role will be added into the filter.
/automod nicknames addname
Adds a provided name to the filter.
Argument [name]
This name will be added to the filter.
Argument [type]
Choose the type of disallowance:
Disallow completely
The name must not start with the provided name
The name must not end with the provided name
The user name must be exactly the name specified
/automod nicknames allowlist
Shows all roles which are on the Allowlist.
/automod nicknames list
Shows all names in the filter.
/automod nicknames logchannel
Sets the logging channel to a specific channel. If the filter catches a result it will send information into the channel.
Argument [channel]
This channel will be the channel the information will be sent in
/automod nicknames remove_allowed_role
Removes a role from the Allowlist.
Argument [role]
This role will be removed from the Allowlist.
/automod nicknames removelogging
Removes the logging channel.
/automod nicknames removename
Removes a provided name from the filter.
Argument [name]
This name will be removed from the filter.
Argument [type]
Choose the type of disallowance:
Disallow completely
The name must not start with the provided name
The name must not end with the provided name
The user name must be exactly the name specified
/automod nicknames toggle
Enable or disable the filter. It will NOT delete any data.
Last updated