How does it work?
A message is evaluated every 60 seconds. This message receives between 1 and 25 XP.
You cannot change ranks or XP.
You can add rewards (level roles
/level channel <channel
The level-up message is sent in this channel.
Argument <channel>
If no channel is specified, the level-up channel is reset. In this case, the level-up message is sent in the channel in which the user's message is sent.
If a channel is specified, the level-up messages are sent in this channel.
/level ignore channel [channel]
Messages will not get XP in these channels.
Argument [channel]
No more XP will be awarded in this channel.
/level ignore list
This command returns a list of ignored channels.
/level ignore remove [channel]
Remove an ignored channel.
Argument [channel]
Users can collect XP again in this channel.
/level leaderboard
See the users with the most XP on the server. 10 users are displayed per page, but you can switch between the pages.
/level message
Customize the level-up message.
/level noxprole <role>
Wenn ein Nutzer diese Rolle besitzt, wird er kein XP bekommen. Setze die Rolle mit diesem Befehl.
Argument <role>
If a role has been specified, the No-XP role is set for this role.
If no role has been specified, the No-XP role is reset.
/level rank <user>
See the rank of a user with this command.
Argument <user>
The rank is viewed by this user.
If no user has been specified, your statistics will be displayed.
/level roles add [role] [level]
Add a roll as a reward. When level [level] is reached, the role [role] is awarded.
Argument [role]
This role is assigned when level [level] is reached.
Argument [level]
When someone reaches this level, the role [role] is assigned.
/level roles deleteall
Remove all level roles. This cannot be undone.
/level roles list
This shows you all level roles.
/level roles remove [role]
Remove the level role that is assigned at level [level].
Argument [role]
This role is to be removed.
/level roles sync
Sync the rewards.
If you added a reward, for exmaple for level 5, a member with level 5 or a higher level will get the reward when leveling up the next time. You can give them the role by using this command.
/level roles debug
Check for errors and common issues with the system.
/level test
If there are problems, use this command. Frequent sources of problems are checked here.
/level toggle
Deactivate the level system on the server on which the command is executed.
Last updated