Published on May 20, 2024.
Spotify connection
New VALORANT commands
More Logging Updates
New Commands
/copycategory - Copies a category -> Moderation. Shoutout to Grellstein for the idea (Added on March 29).
/cat fact (Added on April 11) -> Fun
/user badges -> Information
/user profile -> Information
/user settings -> Confugration
/level roles sync
/level roles debug
/games valorant season
/games valorant gamemode
/games valorant weapon
/games valorant spray
/games valorant skin
/games valorant playercard
/link spotify
/unlink spotify
/spotify myprofile
/spotify artistinfo
/spotify podcastinfo
/spotify songinfo
You are now able to add multiple roles through the select menu (Updated on March 23).
If te bot is missing the permission "View Channel", you will not get an error message (Updated on March 23).
/welcome settings and /leave settings
The messages are now ephemeral to prevent any errors with missing permissions or other users interaction with your menu (Changed on April 4).
/info user
Added "devices" field (Updated on April 5)
/embeds create
Added a new error message if no fields are existing (Updated on April 9).
Added bulkdelete (Added on April 9)
The performance has been increased by removing many unnessecary API calls.
Interactions are now exlucded from Message Update Logging
Added Logging
Server Guide
Thread Member Update
Guild Member Update (Avatar Update, Nickname Update)
explicit_content_filter was added for Guild Update Logging
Added support for polls for Message Delete and Message Update
If a thread channel is provided the permission check will now check for the correct permissions (Updated on April 12).
Hyperlinks (For example
) are not working anymore.
Endelon Hosting
Removed all Endelon commands due to the shutdown of Endelon Hosting. Thank you, Endelon. ♥️ (Updated on April 12)
/games valorant agent and /games valorant matchhistory
Added Clove.
/level rank
Improvided the design.
Context Menu
Added new permission checks (Shoutout to bypixeltv).
/user settings and /user profile
Added the option to view the profile of other users.
The other user has to make the account public by using /user settings first.
/poll create
Options can not be longer than 32 characters anymore due to Discord limits.
The description can no longer be longer than 100 characters due to Discord limits.
/games valorant map
Removed the field "callouts"
Added a new permission check.
Bug fixes
/games valorant matchhistory
Fixed a problem where the gamemode was unknown. This caused the command to stop working (Fixed on March 28).
Fixed a problem where the level system was not working (Fixed on March 28).
Fixed a problem where the commands were not sorted (Fixed on March 29).
/leave test
Fixed a problem where the errors were not displayed (Fixed on April 7).
/moderation kick
Fixed a problem where the english translation was not loading correctly (Fixed on April 7).
/leave settings and /welcome settings
Fixed the formatting (Fixed on April 4).
/leave message and /welcome message
Fixed a problem where you were not able to set the message if no previous message was existing (Fixed on April 19).
TempVoice: Fixed a problem where the user was "undefined" (Fixed on April 19)
Voice: Fixed a problem where it was not working in general (Fixed on April 19)
In General: Fixed a problem where the embeds contacined information from other servers (this was a very weird issue but just lasted some hours)
/games valorant rank
Fixed a problem where the correct error message was not displayed (Fixed on April 7).
/moderation clear
Fixed a problem where the translation was not loaded correctly if there were no messages to deleted (Shoutout to bypixeltv).
/moderation banreason
Fixed the autocomplete.
/games valorant agent
Fixed a problem where the description was just "Description".
Level Roles
Fixed a problem where the level roles were not added.
/games fortnite shopitem
Fixed a problem where false information was displayed if there were multiple items with the same name.
Deleted Commands
/endelon servers (Endelon shutdown)
/endelon links (Endelon shutdown)
/endelon everyone (Endelon shutdown)
/level roles toggle (Not used much)
/games fortnite creatorcode (Not used at all since existing)
/games fortnite logout (As there is also no login)
Last updated